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Journal Gazette from Mattoon, Illinois • Page 6

Journal Gazette from Mattoon, Illinois • Page 6

Journal Gazettei
Mattoon, Illinois
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ai JOVMMAh-QUOm AND COMMUCUL-wTAJt, MAftOOM. ILUftOU MONDAY. APRIL It, MM PACK SIX Ur.sssd Crcchst Marilyn J. Mock CWU Class Has Meeting The April meeting of the Chris- Terry Stockslill Wed in Charleston Wed in Dallas Here's Chce to Tell About The Kcuse cf Ycyr Dreams Miss Marilyn Jean Mock of Dal- ZTD' umo The Rev. H.

T. Harper of Mat-las. Tex, granddaughter of Mr. Jnk Congregational Church was ofncUU)d marriage of and Mrs. Mock of Wi Edgar held Wednesday evening, at goddaughter.

Miss Terry OaU Ave, Mattoon. became the bride of Dinner stockstill of Kankakee, to Oerald I it Jlffy-Stsh -than- 4be hCBilWll. just wnat makes a nous conven- knows better uTTTJ luruBiung or a nww; iur care of young children during church The annual Mother Daughter banquet will be held to May. with the exact date to be set later. Those present8 were Mrs.

Vernon Crum. Mr Carl Daugherty. Mrs. Earl Cisna, Mrs. George Birk.

Mis r-i Mrs. M. L. Spurlin, Mrs. Oene Heath.

Mrs. Allen Kelly. Mrs. Wfl- Uam Mrs. 0.

W. Wish- Mr, .1 r. Tturrh.m Mr. w. v.

lent, comfortable. and easy to care for- Who but a housewife who "ha struggled tc keep a home neat, to md enough storage space for ell the family's belongings, to enter- Uin various age to find some spot for the TV et besides the living room, who knowj more about what strains and demands modern living puts upon the pooriv planned home? 1 IT'S OUR CHANCE TO SOUND OFr 4 We know what we want, what d. what Is basically Important fnd what we can do without. chne 'Bet out your pen and paper. Now ard Cisna.

Mrs, Lebert Kelly. Mrs. Raymond Mears. Mrs. Herman Mol- no.

Mrs. Burnett Brown. Mrs. Ber- nard Weber. Mrs.

Joseph Weber Jr Mrs. Marlon Joseph, Mr. Joseph Grant, Mrs. Lynn Shaw and Mil Florence Cisna. it vou'va ever said.

"If I ever bulld a house, believe me It 1 go- tag to have-" (and what housewife there's a man who would like to "hear your idea of what house for a family ought to be Uko He is no less than the govern- ment's top bousing boss, Albert M. Cole, administrator of the Housing and Home Finance Agency. He is hoping that the nation's housewives will sit down and write him, giving their Mess on bow the modern home can be -I hope my mail will shortly re- veal an active demand for a worn- an's congress on housing, Cole says'" i- Well, let's get busV and show an oh--tlve demand. Who i East Mattoon HB Unit MseK Has Auction The East Mattoon Home Bureau unit met Friday afternoon with Mrs. Martin Troute, 3321 Western na co-noeiesses.

cnn. n. a. Coles and Mrs. C.

D. Snapp. Mrs. Ylrgfl Ferree. the chairman.

opened the meeting and called for the secretary's and the treasurer! reporU. RoU call was answered by yt members by telling what person. tort nawh-s nnncan. Jr also at Dallas, Saturday evening, in Christ the King Catholic Church in Dallas. 'e i I Mrs.

Doncma The Rt Rev. Msgr. W. J. Bender officiated and the bride was given In marriage by her father.

Delmar Dean Mock. Music was furnished by Paul Echefers, organist, and John Bumsteed. vocalist. a sister oj tne or we, ansa nancy Mock, was maid of honor and toe fcur bridesmaids were sorority sis- ters we nnoe. in.

groom. father. Jack D. Duncan, served as imported Chantffly lac gowtt' with an empire etyie ooaice waa cap sleeves and a portrait neckline edged with lace flowers embroidered With pearls. The bouffant Skirt of lace over tulle and taffeta, swept to a formal tram.

Her rrencn u- luskm veli cascaded from lace contour crown with eearla and (he 1 n. -4ml-- I JllOHUII alitr traiU they admire. chairman, will talk on The Value' As the exhibit of the month, of Literature." some members displayed their lat- 1Snwt of SuUivan, guest est handwork. Members voted IS to petker, wlU use as her topic, "Writ-the Cancer Crusade. ng Hobby." It has recently Mra William Zurhetde gave the been announced that Mrs.

Krowi la 594 Crochet a eraeeful howl to hold fruit and flowers -V lovel match- mg aou, beneath! They're worked together in gay contrast colors!,m SM: Dollv-bowl eomhln- tim doUv ottt; Qu(ck crocnet JWy cottoI1, fiUrcn Ior lti0neu. TWENTY-riVE CENTS In for tlch nattern for lst-dass mall- EBo Mattoon DaUy Jour- nal-Gazette. 87 Needlecralt Dept. O- Box 164, Old Chelsea New York 11, N. Y.

Print plainly PATTERN NUMBER, your NAME ADDRESS and ZONE. Our gift to you two wonderful patterns for yourself, your home printed in our Laura Wheeler Needlecraft book for 19581 Dozens of designs to order crochet, knitting, embroidery, Iron- ons, novelties. Send 35 cents for your copy of this book NOW with gift patterns printed In It! HumhoHt Refielcah UotIm Holds. Monthly Meeting Humboldt. Saturday afternoon in the Charleeton Memo- Jut Church.

and grwnery were used 00 A nd dwibj; ring rites were usff; iW the bride's Dlinois tat. College, sang "Uebestraum before the ceremony, with Miss Alice Jt MJ The tra. uunai Drla au- wruu.u, were played by Miss Morris. Our- ervU MisiKey MlU: "T11 Lords Jt chl 8weet Mystery of Life. A sister of toe Vide, Mhs 6u nd Mfa.

Theodora Stavros, were the bridesmaids and tne maia or nonor was miss Marilyn Graf. All are from Kankakee. They wore dresses similar to the bride's in pastel colors. Best man was Max A. Edgar of Areola and ushers were Jerry shields and Jerald Douglas both of Hindsboro, and Thomas Stockstlll of Kankakee.

T. M. Stockstin of Kankakee, corted his daughter to the altar and gave her In marriage. Her dress of white nylon organdy was waits lengtn, ana with a tne wore a white pillbox hat with a face veil. the reception to the church wmie ana yeuow was tne hme.

with daisies used on cake and Misses Elsie Wong and Alice Fulling served the punch. An are students at EasteA and house mates of the bride. After a wedding trip, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar will be at home about AprU IS, at 743 8.

6th St, Charles. ton! Mr. Edgar is a daughter of and Mrs. T. M.

StockstUl Kankakee and. Is a graduate- Kankakee Hlgh School. She 1. a Mr. Edgar attended Eastern after School, and Is employed as a lab' oratorv technician for the Tuecola '--J wuiimnj.

un uuvuw iv mi. Mrs. J. A. Edgar of Humboldt There were approximately 30 guests from Br same number from Mattoon, Rum boMt and Areola.

Other -out of town, guests' were from the University of Illinois, front Madison, Wis, and from Chicago. The Rev. and Mrs. Harper' were hosts at a buffet supper Saturday evening, for out of town relatives, at their home, 1501 Lafayette Ave. OkaW Valley 4-H ClUD Holds Monthly Meeting iM)tl HUMBOLDT.

111. The Okaw valley 4-H Club met at the home 0f Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Andres for the April meeting, with Eddie An- n08t to the club. r- with thm t0rrtm.n and trwaunirftr'f rercrtj read and aMroved7Talks reports read and approved.

Tau were given by Eddie Andres, Jim- my Dorris and Sharon Jeffenr on rocks, grains and miscellaneous ax- mtere5t. Play-coat or cobbler-length wrap- arnunrf. with matchlnr ahorta be- neath Bew this versatile style In terrycloth for the beach; as a cot- UV lull UUUUI W1UJ mew ZZ'ZLZZr -T-Jr SJUL 14. 18. Size 1.

wrap 3 yard. 35-lnch: shorts 1 yards. jms pattern easy to use. to sew. is tested for fit Has com- nlntit inctriirtlAnM.

Have Many Guests Mrs. Gale Dun and Mm. Lyla Overton vert hostesses to the Mat-toon Homemakers Horn Bureau unit, the borne of the former, 3)l Lsfayette Ave, Thursday era ning. Mrs. Rot Buchanan, unit chairman, opened the meeting and vel-comed the 13 guests, Mrs.

James Daily. Mrs. Robert Faller, Mrs. Lee WUlan, Mrs. William Reynolds.

Mrs. Victor Oarbe, Mrs. Melvln Tucker, Mrs. Prank Hairstoo, Mrs. Raymond Roetker, Mrs.

Robert Gru-baueh. Mrs. James Kuehn, Mrs. Charles Brown. Mrs.

James and Mrs. Marvin Fosbender. Mrs. Clyde Heaton led the group In singing two songs. Attention was called to the exhibit of the month, My Latest Handwork.

Eighteen members answered roll eall by1 telling about personality traits which they admire. The major lesson. "What to Expect from Children from 8 to IS." was given by Mrs. Joseph R. Spits and Mrs.

Morris Beals. The short feature, "Program Planning. was presented by Mrs. Dean Clouser who distributed pro-" gram sheets for members to indicate their preferences for next year. Mrs.

Kenneth Young gave the treasurer's report and Mrs. Lyle Overton the secretary's report Mrs. Clouser gave the report of the executive board. The New Homes tour will be held in May. and a committee of the Homemakers was named to make arrangements for the west side of the county.

Mrs. Leo Nelson, chairman, Mrs. Clouser, Mrs. Snits, Mrs. Floyd Koets and Mrs.

William Anderson wmpiia. committee Refreshments were served by the hostesses. Acril Meetina Held By Ribbon 4-H Club The B.ue RiDoon uo-ueers -n Club held the April meeting in tne TAfitTptte 'Trran Kail. The meetlnff cm called to order by the presidents Joe8peer. Ron can and the minutes were read by the Secretary, Beverly Andrews.

Dave Townley gave a talk on 1m- proved Pasture," and Bob Rathe gave a demonstration on "Selecting Breeding Swine." After the discussion of old and new business, the meeting was closed with the 4-H pledge led by Bob Rathe. Members present were Joe Speer, Tommy Speer, Bob Rathe, Marilyn Turpi, Gordon Fuqua, Beverly Andrews, Carolyn Bence, Alvin Al-' wardt, Richard Abel, Tommy Kid-well, a new member, Phil Fleming, Don Fleming, Bobby Boughman, Billy File, Madonna Welsh. Dave TWev and Sharon Eliott. Townley and Sharon Elliott. Guests were Andrew Honn.

the leader, Mr. and Mrs. George Bence, Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Bence, Mr.

"and Mrs. Byron Speer, Henry Al-wardt, Mrs. William Bell and son, William Welsh, Robert Fuqua and Forrest Abel, Return? to Ofney Mrs. Charles E. Conner has returned to her home In Olney after spending several days with Misses Ora and Nettie Coon at their home in this When Send Toe the Care Very Enough tc Best, It's bee the Attractive Display at WARNER'S Gift Shop Rend Thir-fiv.

in of Beaumont, mJMBC4irrL RebekahhrM Mark McAndrew. Lodge of Humboldt met for Ole Paul JBhafer and Mrs. Ho-Aprtl meeting and. monthly birth- mer day party In the IOOF HeJl. The gtoup enjoyed a tour of Mrs.

The lodge was called to order and Trout's new house, and an auction the regular business was conducted sale of food and plant was held carried an orchid arranged witn stenhanotis. cimrch service, the were revived Delta Tuamma soronty nouse. Mrs. ueorge -y--; "rZ "1 ins can. ana Mrs.

lucnara 1 Tex, an- wner mel Hle Puncn- Miami and wiU fry from there to Nassau. Upon their return from their wedding trip they will be at home In The bride Is a graduate of Southern Methodist University, vice president of her eorority, and Is now teaching in the Dallas independent School District. Both of ber parents formerly l'ved in Mattoon and attended the Mattoon schools. giwuiu nrniu, mi. Mrl Jack D.

Duncan, live in Dal. t-, The groom has Just returned a tour of duty wit the V. S. r'mnj, cua vim ui aawiwa uma n)mu wmw flrst Ueutenant He Is a graduate of Mhnrfl nnlwrslt. and served as president of his fratern- Siffr Rev.

Crowder. Daunhtpr To Visit His Homeland repon oi ine execuuve ooam miv- tag. and announced the New Homes tour will tie held tn May. She also gave the short feature, Program Pl.nnlng," and members checked Uw prpgrams which they prefer for the eomlng year. Mrs.

Lafe Daily, Mra M. H. sprengei ana Mrs. M. b.

Biwaros were named to tne committee. nommang The major lesson, "What to Ex- Z. by Mrs. Marguerite Kaelberer who fti. fc 4am read two poems about children and led the discussion of we topic.

After adjournment, refreshments war Mrvfwt" t.ha mtmlvri and in the garage, bringing In a total of $23.40 for the unit's treasury. Soeaks at Charnoaign Alliance" DAR Mrs. H. O. Selbert, sUte historian of the Daughter of the American Revolution and a member of the Gov, Edward Coles chapter oj MaU toon, was the guest speaker at a iuncheon meeting of Alliance chapf ter of the DAR tn Champaign, Fri day, Mrs.

Selbert left Mattoon Satur day for Washington; to at tend the national convention of tht DAR, Other delegates from Mat-' toon, who also left Saturday, are Mrs. H. E. Champion and Mrs. R.

Conine. Mrs. Mabel Hagan of Champaign, a former Mattoon woman, Is one of the delegates of Alliance chapter. While In the East she will visit a sUter, Mrs. Malcolm C.

Tomllnson, In Washington. The. fife and drum corps of the iv. firgt recognition of music as an army morale factor. 1 v-whet Is It you've always said you tould and wouldn't do If you ever built a house to suit yourself? Mr.

Cole really wants to know. (All rights reserved. NEA Service, Inc. Windsor Woman's Club To Hear Sullivan Guest The April 19 meeting of the Wind sor Woman's Club win be at the nom, of Miiiuon. at Mr TuSrliii a state winner In the Illinois Fed.

euon 0f Women's Clubs literature contest. Thoae on tht program committee Hennlgn are Mrs. K. J. Mr Mllud(! Bundi ora BuUeri Mnk oarrett.

Mrs. Ray idWards and Mra Hal Hennlgh Hostesses assisting Mrs. "Munson tr, Dallas Hampton. Mrs. Harry Leeds, Mrs.

Eden Edwards and Roecoe Hamilton. During the business an election of COMERS! IF YOOllAVE NOT BEEN. CONTACTED BY TOUR WELCOME WAG0.I I HOSTESS CALL Mrs. Mayder.3 Ccr (Phone 8313) Mrs. Kathryn fitterer (Phone 5131) She will call on you with greetings, gifts and information.

(No coat or obligation) S195 Plus Cleaning Charges PARISH'S CALITY ClEAKZFiS 1612 Wabash Ave. Cy J. R. i u.mns Mattooner On Program At My Institute The 8helby County Women's Christian Temperance Union will bold Its Spring Institute, April 18, in the First Methodist Church in 8hel- byvllle. The morning session will be- gm at 10:30.

and a potluck dinner win be served at noon. Mrs. William H. Bartlette of Greenville, the state president will the principal speaker. There lpeech contest, a panel diKUSstoatnd special music.

AU to- invited to at- Mattoon, state cnapin, wiu charge 0f the devotional service. Capt. Keller and Family Here Enroute to Japan Capt. and Mrs. Charles Keller and children.

Chuckle, Connie. Mar. ela and Michael, have arrived In Mattoon irom umeswne, mc iot twr months' visit with hta mother. Mrs. Kathryn Keller, wd hi.

broth- ZT Zu. Janan. where thev will be ata- th. mr th. noat wa r-v imnoer pruRTam, man he will be maintenance officer with an air rescue squadron in Japan.

Calendar Coming Events (The no aeei Mama far the ealaiiear ar o'clofc the day fre eublieatloB. rOeaae aak ua to malt an xcatlB. Tuesday. April 17. 1 Irma Howard Orcle of First Bap tist Church will meet with Mrs, VJ Whltton.

13 8. 33nd St, at BocM mtln ind hUtiatlon of candidate, into Darters of isa- attayettg-TBirf- Kw BiiwaB win meet with Mrs. Orvill Doty. east of Mattoon. at 1:30.

The Literature Department of the -tt rnK Mattoon Woman's Club will meet Mattoon Night Horn Bureau unit of R. T. win meet with Mia. H. R.

Cook, 314 Woodlawn Ave, at ine rnracuse xiorae ounmu um wlU meet in Friendship Room of the First Federal Building, at 1:30. The Ladles Day luncheon and bridge party will be at Country Cub at 13:30. Mattoon Reserva tions, please. Alcoholic. Anonvmoua will meet at the old St.

Joseph School, east entrance, at 8. Circle I of the First Presbyter- Ian Church will meet tn the church parlors at J. The Young Mothers Circle of the' First Presbyterian Church will meet in Fellowship Halt at 7:45. The Toastmlstress Club will meet at the Villa Nova at 6:30, Mrs. Morris Kemper, hostess.

iUltchtllerfJan rUNEIAl HOME- 12th and Wabasb-Pbone (123 Mrs. Harlan Groniger and her Mrs. Emma Boyd. 3333 West-father, the Rev. Dr.

Richard Crow, am Ave at 2:15. left Mattoon Sunday afternoon by the Noble Grand, Miss La Vang Parker, The noble grand 'announced that the lodge would entertain district, officers at the next meeting and appointed ber committees for the affair. Mrs. Herman Meyer, delegate to the district meeting held recently Bethany, gave a report of the meeting. Mrs.

Everett Hite and Mrs. Meyer introduced assembly of- fJceri ft, Bethany meetlni. Isriim wm In form anil a "elU hour followed with salad ani ema by we hostesses. Mrs. M.rk Harry and Misses Vange am, pe Parter Executive Young youngest man ever to hold the post.

Nnrth WfiUrn nffW-UU announced his appointment Sunday. 1 1 11 and Mrs. Clifton Cole and Karen; Mrs. Fred Knollenberg, Mis. Pran' cis Clark and Ann: Mrs.

Maynard Asnworm, larry ana Linaa; Mrs i "it by train, and left Chicago this wui meet (iii wi lamai siavey, mornlnt by Pan American Airways 3104 Wa'nut Ave, i- v- -for London, England. They expect Wednesday, AprU 13. to arrive early Tuesday. The Ladies Auxiliary to the B. The meeting was adjourned by; CHICAGO (P) Larry S.

Provo all repeating the 4-H pledge and' 36-year-old Minneapolis railroad bingo was played during the recre- executive appointed as vice presl-atlon Refreshments were dent comptroller the North served by Mrs. Andres to the fol- Western Railway System is the towing members and guests: Eddie Tk- Clark, Dean Cole, Edwin Cole, Mary- lyn Donnle Hance, Paul: Hilgenberg, Bun James, Steve James, Ruby and Sharon Jeffers Jeffers Rudy and Darrell Knollenberg, Stu owayse, Jim uorria ana rany n- DOX STORAGE They will be In the British Isles far about two months, and plan lojtay Jn London for the first two weeks, sight-seeing. From there they will go to Scotland for a week, and win make their headquarters In Edinburgh. They will travel south along the western part of England to Staffordshire, where they will visit relatives and travel In nearby Wales, The Rev. Dr.

Crowder Is a native of England and has made one visit there since he came to the United 8tates. at the age of 18. In 611-verdale, Staffordshire, he and Mrs. Groniger will visit his brothers, Robert Crowder and John Crowder and their families. The return trip to this country will be made on the Queen Elizabeth.

worth' Mr- na Axt- Kenneth Ham- Floyd Dorris and John Swayie. Mr. and Mrs. Melvln Jeffers, and Mrs. Paul Hilgenberg, Mr.

Want Ada lyl (sgsenBaBgesBsaga for thU pattern-add cents for ea pattern for lst-ela Send to ANNE ADAMS, care of Mattoon Daily Journal-Gazette, 383 Pattern Dept. 343 West 17th 8t New York, 11, N. Y. Print 'plainly NAME. ADDRESS with zone, SIZE and STYLE NUMBER.

Enjoy Three Weeks In Southern Areas vr- Mr. and Mrs. Glen Huckleberry have tZ Hn mZZ. 1 1 tor trip to Florida, and other south- covered Pron Mattoon weft 7 1 MVBral dayMhentoSUverSprmgspress Gardens, Tampa, Sarasota and Day- ton Beach: In Tampa they were guests of an uncle and aunt of Mrs. Eparks, Mr.

and Mrs. Ed Sudendorf. The weather Was beautiful while 'they Were in the South, and they particularly, the profusion of flowers which were in bloom. In Mississippi, the azaleas were noteworthy. j-v I L.17,1 1 T-'; i 1 It doesn't take too much to arouse the working classes Just a smoll olorm clock.

nu 5459 FOR YOUR WINTER GARMENTS All Yea Ccn Peck A Ecx (Which Wm Furnish) FOR STORAGE IN OUR COLD STORAGE VAULT i apgsjjjjjjjjjjajjaBjjjjjjjjjMBaaga apsasiK Maximum valuation $200. Call 3444 for details vay M''iJk Thtki a wetlstablkhed scientific reason for every de ciaon yoor doctor makes. He is1 guided in his opinions by the conclusions of authorities in the field of medicine. Even though yo hare had no recent occasion to consult a physician, is well to have one in mind. Pay him a visit.

Then when yod need him, he will he better prepared to carrvCot yon property- Ulion your doctor gives you a prescription, bring to oa to be filled. We are prescription specialists. W'4l OUICK We? CON'T KID ME- Yfrar wu CiOTTORUSH lTWAATWI(S 1 NUT, WMV HIM TO HELP 1 tVTFPPEP ONJv DlDWT VOL) 1SPEWTH' VOO R6 AFRAIP I HAVE IT 1 SNAK6 STRIKE TO WALK SLOW HIT HU HiM-l'LL HOLP A C6METERV THB 1 TH' AW' WA JOT I HANP VEIN IN AFRAID I'P SHOW SO WE LE SHUT I I VDO UP WALKIW WOULPSfT OFF 3U3W HAVE TO V. 7 CARSVMIM PUSH MIM i i Pay Mini THE IJATIOiJAL BAIIII' CP I1ATTCON- Mattoon, Illinois (Member F. D.


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