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Journal Gazette from Mattoon, Illinois • Page 10

Journal Gazette from Mattoon, Illinois • Page 10

Journal Gazettei
Mattoon, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

HONDAT, AVOVtT 1, 19 THE DATtT J0UKNAL-OAHTTI AXD COMMEBCIAL-8TAB, MATTOOJi. axrffOTJ FAGS TEN 4-H Club to Compete at.Stato Fair; TRY AJ-G WANT AD FOR RESULTS Kerher Approves Bills Commercial Property Rummage Sale On County, Judicial Pay cLAsaunnD baths. i Onee or laea sat Is I polnl type. t-ii s-ii RUMMAGE SALS Starting at a. Inseruoa, I oonaaqatlTe ears m.

Monday, and Tueaday untlli BPIUNaimDILJU.jUB-- Ckw, The Judicial salary schedule BUILDINO for rent on 1 acre or iiroSnd on'old Bt. II east of Mattoon. Now occupied by Harvest rBakery. Harry GLendale -i61t' Wlnd-i noon, at 621 N. JOth.

For mlaalon till Otto Kerner has approved bill ary. Clothing and come furniture. provides $29,000 year for Judges to be elected to the newly created Not responsible lor accidents. v7 A eeaeacnuve tare eoneeeatlvo ears feiorauing maximum salaries ol Appellate Court system. Cook county officials and flxlne tbc pay! schedule for Judges under Egg and Poultry County may pay them $4,500 more.

Restaurant Equipment Circuit Judges wiM get $20,000, the new. Illlnate Judicial artlole, s-so with up to $9,000 additional in i-tf Wanted To Buy Poultry and Eifi On of the Mil authorizes county board to boost salaries of JjRRORS The Joarnal Ueaett la aot reapeaslble for aaore tbaa. eae iBcorraet UiserUoo. EA8H RATB Tke Tte CASH 1SCOUNT la erfeeUve tfirtald wlltaln seven (7) daye alter flrat Insertion of advertlalng. 'As asample flrat Insertion Octooer last da for cub lUoount la RESTAURANT and Tavern Malp- Cook County.

aiattoon produce i Z10 Commercial AD 4-S s-n Associate Judges will receive herlfts, ooroners, county trea tilaaa ment and suppllaa Cut rat China Street, Terrs Haute. phono Uncola W6I. mm $12,000 to $17,000, depending on surers, county clerks, circuit court POULTRY DRKS3INO eU kinds of poultry dreaaed ready for locker or Ireeser. Mre. Bob Bendren, lot county population.

Larger ooun clerts, reoarders and county audi October S. AdvartUer muat pay FULL AMOUNT CHARUEU It ties may pay supplements. tors by $1,000 to 12,000 a year, una, mjj s-tsis. i Room and Apartment Magistrates appointed after Jan a. a aw In counties with less than population, the maximum is and after their present terms i-if Farm Machinery FOUR ROOM unfurnished apart expire will receive $10,000, wMh up raised from (6,000 to $7,000.

S-14 to $8,000 more in Cook County. reoelTed la oar office after tale evea day period, BLIND ADS An additional charge of toe Is mads lor boa which includes the nailing; of ra- Rllaa, If requeeted. Repliee held I days only. SKIPPED INSERTIONS If ads, are ordered for multiple inear-tlona, but not eoneeoutivs Inear- Other brackets and the old and GOOD USED FARM TRACTORS -M Existing magistrates and Jus ment, upstalre, 4 eioaeia, oum-m oabinets. hardwood floora, private bath and entrance.

Nice porch, basement privileges, gas heat. Close In, Adults. Phone AD 4-S47S. Dew maximum are: tice of the 'peace whose terms In counties of 30,000 to 80,000 do not expire until 1968 will con' population, $7,500 to 60,000 ROOM furnished, private bntbv tan tinue to receive salaries ranging tne one aay raie appua 'si to 120.000, from $9,000 to its rarmaR Super "LP" Vtbt Far mall 400 Dieeel 1B Farmall 660 Gas 15J Oliver We Fmance. International Harvester Sales Cr Service So.

19th 8t at Hwy. 45 Mattoon, m. AD 4-74SI from $6,000 to $11,000 annually, and TV antenna, au uiiuiiaa. be aeon to be appreciated. Phone AD 4-S6S4 for appointment.

100,000 to 150,000, from $10,000 to 8-14 150,000 to 250,000, from $11,000 to and 250,000 to TVfO APARTMENTS unfurnished. Daily Newspaper Mot Merchandise! i ai fir i if j' 1 s-u 00,000, from $13,000 to $19,000, FOR SALE TS.IHC' combine, 1MB 1 up, 1 down. Clean ana moaern, close in on Wabash. Heat and wa-! ter furnished. Adults only.

Phone AD t-eTlS. 1 CLASSIFIED D1SPLAT ILS par column Inch flrat In Bar-tlon ll.U pat column Incb aeo end Insertion ll.te per comma lock three or mora inaertlona. (I oolumn Inch minimum) AOS ACCEPTED UNTIL 4 P.M. Day Previous To Publication wood wagon boxes. AU A-l oondl-j- The Lincoln Trail Agriculture 4-H Club Tuesday will present its stunt show at the.

Illinois State Fair in competition with other clubs from throughout the ukuiL.anuiijn wneac uaorge 11-ton, Rt Mattoon. East edge -i UNFURNISHED I rooms and Data for rent. Close to town, adults. U0S Ifayette. I-10tf club will compete with other county winners for the state title.

The act is entitled Yk 8ad Satire 'of a Fashion Show." Members of the club are. first row, Dick Snowden, Tom Williams, Eddie OoMstein and Tom Snowden; second row, Lee Turner, Kenny Probst, Melvla. Vn- S-M krautk Phillip MWer and Steve Uphoff; thW row, Lindy Goldstein, Bill Snowden, John Snow den, Mick Turner, Jim Conyers and Henry Unkraut. Standing at the left is Belinda Relmer, who introduces each act. The boy In the suits serve -as escort for their "female" companions the stunt show.

state. The local club won first Asthma Formula Prescribed Most By Doctors -Available Now Without Prescription Stops Attack in Minutes Relief Last for Hours! THBEB BOOM atcely rurnlthed ep-tUlrs apartment, all utlllUee except electricity. Adults. Phone. AD 4-MSA PLOW BLACKS iw To fit J.D.

Ul D. Storm, Blacksmtta 121 North 15lh St place with its act at the Coles County Share the Pun festival Saturday Deadline Friday p.s s-is held June 12 in Charleston. The Monday Oeadllno Friday 4 e.ea. MODERN TJN FURNISHED SH Building Material downstairs apartment, alao I room fumlahed apartment AU ntllltUe paid, close In. Cell AD ft-essl -tti Hew Yarfc.

M. T. SUl)T)lt asthma ia tiny tablets called PrimaUni. BuMthou Opportunitime s-ti that the same thing as trustee? Happily, the answers are simple property of minors, then account numbers will be required for them. Live Within l-lf You can apply for such num ITRST CIA 88 I large room and enclosed porch, furnished, flrat floor apartment UUHtlee furnished.

Adults only. No pets. 104 Lafay--ette. AD l-eOTI. 1.

-U enough though even a simple ruling originating with the IRS nno SUDS COMINO TO SULXJ bers (or identification) by filling VAN owner wiu buue to auui lean often do with a little clari en aa oatstandina tocatlon on Kt. out application Form 9227, avail formula pittcribed more than any ether by doctors for thair private patients is bow available to asthma offerers without pretcription. Medical tasta prorad this formula stops aathma attacks in minutes and gives hoars of freedom from recurrence of painful aathma spasms. This formula is so effective that It'll the physician's leading asthma Jreserlpuon-so aaia whan used as iiected that now it can be sold without prescription in most states These rrimatene Tablets epea bronchial tubes, loosen relieve taut nervous tension. All without painful injections.

The secret is Prtmatene combines I medicines (in full praacription strength) found most effective ia combination for asthma distress. Each performs a special purpose. 8e look forward to sleep at night, and freedom from asthma spasms. Get Primatene at any drugstore. 1U A U.

ExcaUant bualnaee opportunity. JRaasonable leaee to re-nnoalhU nartv. BuDerviaad train able at all banks, and mailing it to the Internal Revenue Service, ficatlon. Dear Miss Feeley: Your Income P. O.

Box 211, Baltimore 9, Md. merchaadlalng, promotional and advertising aaelstance. I7.S00 TWO ROOM furnished apartment all modern, ground floor, private entrance, -close to hospital AU atlll-; tlea fumlahed. Reasonable rent. Prefer single lady or pensioner.

Phone Bruce on If or Inquire at Hit Richmond. rm a trustee for my children's You can pay any taxable interest minimum cash To- put savings account. They an minors RENEW THAf GLINT, IN YOUR EYE WITH A GLEAM ON YOUR FLOOR 1 APPLY KENTILE VINYL ASBESTOS OR PURE VINYL TILE TO YOUR youreeU on the road to financial out of the money in the accounts Is this the same as being custodi auocaaa writa or caJl DOO BUDH, I-U If you voluntarily set up these Box 4, Champaign, Illlnoia. an? Pnone Sa-7sss. Mrs.

B. New York City savings accounts in the name of your children, they com under S-1I nnXT air conditioned room furnished apartment Working parse er couple, ne children. Water furnished. (41 ma Phone AD 4-KU, Inquire S. 14th.

DISTRIBUTOR: Proven repeat bus! By MABT FEEUCT Dear Mrs. naaa: aucceesful operatlona cur Consultant in Money Management the bead of voluntary revocable trust accounts in which the person There is dlffereno between rently ander-way. Contract available for right party. Small Investment flacaaaary for Inventory only. S-M they're Ever since the Internal Revenue the duties and privileges of a named as trustee (you) has both legal and equitable title.

This type FOR RENT Tvro room modern far pished apartment newly decorated. All utilities furnished. Adults, Alao trustee and a custodian, First of Packer land Chemical Corp Edlo Service set up the new rules for Arcade all, are you trustee by wrill or by Phone -r- doaen fruit Jars for Broadway. your own voluntary action? s-ietr reporting interest on savings from corporations, banks and other savings institutions, questions have of account is not recognised by state law as a legal or valid trust during your lifetime, sine the FOR SALS Laanderette and dry s-ii If you were appointed by win. FURNISHED apartment, spacious cleantna- axencr.

Good groan. Baa- eonable. by owner. Also brick home. saving are your.

You may deposit and atrlctly private In Homeeteaa Apts. Call AD 4-W44 office) hours. your responsibilities are expressly authorised in that win. Stat law our 4 years old. Call Charleaton, before Diamond i-S7(7, after Diamond, or withdraw as you see fit At your) s-u sprung up all over the lot Even Junior's savings assume new importance in family council discussions.

Is Junior liable for the THREE ROOM unfurnished pstair -stis. specifies that you hold legal title death, they are payable to your s-utt to the property for the benefit of children as your beneficiaries. BK IN LW PENDENT overate yoor apartment modern, clean, good tocatlon, built-in eabmeta. Heat and) water furnished. Rant rsaeonsblea Ptono AD 4-SSIs.

FAMILY ROOM KITCHEN BATH- ETC. priced from 1 5c ea. ALSO A FULL LINE OF CERAMIC TILE awn boatneaa. Major- oil company your children. If the state law re Therefore, the money actually be tax payment? Is Mom the custodian? And If she is custodian.

Is station for leaee. Enloya good gal- gards these accounts a being the ing yours, you must report and T-SStf loaage, located on major highway FURNISHED basemeBt apartment pay income tax on the interest the to excellent neignooornooa, new proposed Interchange with new lav taratate hurhwar. Reasonable In future with abower. Bock Apartmenta. Phono AD 4-7E1 er AD e-ae7A- account earns.

T-Htf If you were custodian, rather vestment, excellent opportunity SXEEPINO ROOM at 111 Charlea 4-S4U. AO Fhone than trustee, the money in the ton. staid service, lien preferred. References required. Phoao AD 4-I14T after p.m.

account would under no circumstances be yours. If you were ap 7-tr Bee Us For THREE ROOM 1st floor furnished B5 Radioactivity In pointed custodian by will, your responsibilities would be those of apartment Ideal for single parson or married couple. al mo, nothing else to pay. See at III N. list Milk Increases FREE ESTIMATES KENT LUMBER COAL I 4t -r- fcp i JS THE TIME WASHINGTOIf IMI the Pub an agent whose duty it 1 to hold, safeguard and account for property committed to your care.

You would follow the same procedure mentioned above for obtaining ac COAST to COAST lic Service the 209 AD 4-6441 i TO TAKE THE A Yard of Good Lumber" newspapers sell the moat amount of ban damaging radio-i acttv Strontium 80 In milk meas FAMOUS Astcfion Sales Auction ured in May of this year at var. tou U. a check point was almost doubl of that a year ago. COURSE DALE CAHNEGI count numbers, or identification, for income tax purposes. Instructions in the will would determine when the money would be turned over to 'the actual owners.

Any tax moqey owed would be paid out -ii Tbe health service report sub stantlally bore out prediction of the Federal Radiation Council last May SI that Strontium levels of the account Free Demonstration Meeting, Thursday, Aagnst 15th, 7:65 P. M. U.S. Grant Motor Ina (Charleston Ave.) Mattoon, Illinois on a voluntary custoaian oasis, CLOSING OUT SALE As 1 have sold my farm and am' moving to Florida, will would -be much higher largely you would be caretaker of the ac For IaformaUoa Contact ause of masslv Soviet atroos-j count, under the Uniform Gifts Don Cheatum or Elwyn Cheatum, Phone CS5-S145 to Minors Act or other similar herlc nuclear test In IKS. But the service says the level 1 far below sell at Public.

Auction at premises located 4Vi miles Custodian Acta on the statutes of the state. The money would be the accepted danger level. children's, and at age 31 they are entitled to assume responsl- bility of handling It Dear Mary Feeley: I am custodian of my child's savings account fie Is under IS. I have been informed that must TEEN DANCE -J Every Taeeday I New Covered Pavilion MATTOON BEACH miles N. W.

of Neoga, m. Tuesday, Anfust THE CASUALS Direct from Illinoi State Fair Taeeday, Aag. 2 THK CHESSMEN Twist limb Contests Each Taeeday SwaalaaalaBaaSaBBa1 tiff lit ww wee w'eJ Dancing Every Taeeday :00 i apply for a social security number for his account. This year re I I i' ported the interest on a Joint in com tax form. Fleas straighten Southwest of Newton, on SATURDAY, AUGUST 17, 1963, starting at 11:00 a.m., the following described personal property: T.

1 TRACTORS j. 1BS J. Duals; 1US-4M D. (Dleaol). Duala; IMS rf OUrer; lit 2 M.

mi Ferguaoa SO, Wagner Induetrlal Loader. combines Pu 1S57 J. D. Power Steering, Rice Tires; ltSoJ. D.

40; le J. D. SOS com head; J. 11 corn bead; IMS Behlea Dryer, Moisture Tester. -v EQUIPMENT Oliver S-bottom plow; OHver t-bottem plow; Its! Kewanee IS ft.

diee; MS Kewanee II ft. disc; i. Dl S-row plantar, fully eqalpped; J. -row eultivmtor; OHver S-row enltlvator, oM style; Diae hlUsre for a -row cultivator: 1 I. D.

rotary hoe; lttt J. D. -144 ft field cultivator; 11 ft Graham Home plow; 1M1 Large Erermaji land levalsr; Ztt yd. Evermaa aooop; J. D.

mower No. Two 7x14 Cobey Wat: one; It ft truck platform; Cass rotor mower; SS bu. Helix Anger wagon; I. D. S-toa vnuron with 7x14 dump bed; I OHver lt-ft fertiliser spreaders; I lt-ft flexible harrows; XX ll-hole drill; 41 ft -Inch auger; St ft inch auger; One ts I h.p.

(aa engine; One hp. slectrle motor; Forney welder; Horn tractor loader; On Ashy drone applicator; 4 section J. D. hoe (old); P.T.O. grass seeder; Portable water puma r-- -r I- LUMBER i s-toa Chevrolet, factory tandem truck with IS ft.

grain bed and SO-ton hoist; IMS Dodge S-toa truck with lime bed; UU Chevrolet ton; 1M Xxe. IS ft long. i 7 LIVESTOCK HAY I sows with pigs; bred eows; sboaU; 1 male hog; tot to Se bale out on this. "Is "Tfrs. K.

XaT 8, Dayton, Ohio Dear Mrs. 8.: It was not necessary that you report, a your own tax obligation, the Interest on this account. Tou Yours a a and ours! Our community a should fll or an Identification number for your son, a explained tha world of tomorrow our nation above. IX he doesn't earn $600 or more in a year, there will be, no need for any payment on his ac count by either of you. aib ceneiTieatB eeei cenreat Now TIt-lTt" rests in the hands of the young folks of today.

More than ewer before, our young; people need the best education we1 can i i Clover hay. Playinr OTHER ARTICLES TOO NUMEROUS -TO MENTION At School Play i i KEITH JACOBS DAVA Leach On Orooad Oaaai fire. That' why we at National Bank of Mattoon take audi pride in helping meet MONDAY, AUG. WtBM (ITS WCIA Chas.t WTV Ctaa. IF WTMI Mas.

IS WICS Ceaa.SI 6e Meet Nam Hen Sawaej Km Mem IS I Weaweuaar Nen SamSw titer CiieUli neila Si sail a) 1 ei qekS Plea rae Oefenei VeS VnKk Mea.knwfei Ia Diaam Tea tnaS Mea. aawte ana Stem ftreele 0 a ne Diaeae I Seal- ataa. anew a IS Stene Maria Se) A Bearat Tte Dthttat Oel A Seaet ktaa, MMa SS Starae atari Ptarkeaw raaar nim riotmm Urn. Mane el Stan Marie rUrawM raaar PIbm riuaaaM atea. Mate 8 as Mrs areata PaU Slhw Baew Baiaa Caartr Bear alea.

anwle IS Stan Marie PMI tiNn lie Beiaa Oaaeer Bear -Mea Mate Slaw Marie Sllw SaaiS Salta CaaeS nwa erte 9 at Star Marie Tmtmmt turn rami MIHaa IS Stan Marie trntrnmi Baa Ceaa rWw --t Mllua WM St auraa Meal Soaaa Otaa) Baa Caaw Mr rtftt aBa law aaaaj Sura Maria aaaee Sua Baa Caaw Mr Tana eaaa Ut Jaaw JAM eutea Marie It SSluea Neaa flaal Beaan aa Tea Beat 1 II IS Sune Marie IS Balttea Ka rawl ban aa tea Seam aaaaB st Stent Meet Uw Saaa M-aeaal HmllHialai TaaiaM Sea sune Maria Lata aaaa M-aeaal Baa TaaiaM aaaa ifaloona A Gordon Prtee, AuoOoneers Mildred Price, Cashier Rax Pauley, Clerk Not Beeponsfble For AooidaaU UniutUt the high cost of education! Come in or call our installment loan department. LITTLE YANKEE SHOES Giro The Moat Comfort St. Serricet 1-' CQtOt TUESDAY, AUG. 1J I at Stale ewe teat af Uf Brett Pam teat at I4V II Cenat TUat lea at Ufa BnUe VWS Late af Ufa Learn how a nalistie Education Loan can bm tailored to your budget to give your child the education he needs or the future! UtUeTotsfhra St BtUv Vaaaaa stank I rent Vaaaa TOMORROW flitans BaaMtal MMaw Viaaa Pa Tlan at Ban. Mar.

caa It Teear Meat Para) At tena twaa Pair Tlwa a raa-vaiam nuts farsa asalpmeaii show Paar Tnat Pair Tlaw Pair Ttaat Bar kl Oaaat Paaiaaal 1 CJ at Beew I IS fame aaaat a Maria Makw as MaetakUfew From $9.99 Cat 1 M. IS noes snrhtty aa.V Kbor Prtcedl txdUnc Bvestock sdxiaur i i ranctnrte jump ter kids eria at staits is p. a. Now I gaw eat at sat I Plarinff 2 efidar ea lee: i'M IS SeiUaaa Baaie TaB Tiaak St Maria Makw Sett at meat St Maria Makw Beat at Bleat Tat Deal Set tea Baa Be Beta af Bleat Tbe Two Mix Ut Me i ThrilOnr bsrnsm raetgut 3 It SP Beat IS Pwetew Pea St rail aaaa N017 i i Of Afl rime! "KING KONG GODZILLA ia cetsa a aaawaaaaaaaaaaa Aaa OON The Meat Vahte far the Dollar Iavested SIDDENS SHOES, 4111 Brtada-mv noaZU-6d Tal Bryanaer Sal MA TOCX rKBJOHAX. SXBVIU HANK Meat eeww Barn atj "ESCAPE FROM PBaS PilllaaSarg Bkaa Caatas Mtav Barlr Saaa i saieee Ty Ttaaa Paw Tuee is cwte -1.

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