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Journal Gazette from Mattoon, Illinois • Page 6

Journal Gazette from Mattoon, Illinois • Page 6

Journal Gazettei
Mattoon, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

I.T.tMiiii.iniiH i'iiimi i.mi in.ii'iiiiiria Mary Is An Athlete, Too Arms Full ol Wheat TO Sin FOU U. S. ''V T.L.HiIcab:: Msrshsl Ferdinand Koch, head of the allied armies In the great war, may be the guest of Mattoon In October, This rt' wi' gnraJ baa accepted an Invitation, to bi entertained In Chi-cago during the la of October, while on touf of tha United gtatas. The k. ttt.

t-nllf. nf imKiii FICNI0 fUPPIrW On Tuesday evening Mrs. J. A. Kid-wall entertained at a picnlo aupper at Lytic park for her alster1, Mra: L.

M. Price, of Shelby villa, Ind, Bealdes Mra. Price those present ware' Mr, and'Mra. Walter McDonald and fam lly, Mr, and Mrs. Charles M.

Fox and; family, Mrs, P. a Ivsna and daughters, Mrs. John Gibler and daughter, Mra, O. A. Ward and daugh ly The International Newe tsrylee Chicago, June D.

Haywood, the fugitive W. leader, will tall for the United States from Russia on July II, to surrender himself to American authorities, tt waa stated bars today. Haywood is under sentence at twenty yean to the federal prison at Fort Leavenworth, The announcement -was made by U. S. District Attorney Clyne on receipt of a wireless message from Haywood.

1 Movie tana knw Doug Fairbanks Is some aorobat, bat thin pleturs shows that Mary Piekford. bis. wtta. la aetue performer, also. Tha twe hke bicycling ee wU that they sow wheel Ave miles te work free UmU ome Beverly Bills, CwZ iTPfprffDTnirill I 1 The ehUdren of Zees Wheat.

Dooer outaeMer, proved a Mg attrmo tion te JuAse Landla the "Ug baee" of bassbatt. when be attended the National I nanus pennant raising at Brooklyn. Here be Is shown Wtta Mary KUes end Zack, Jr. two arms full ef Wheat, as tt were. T.

Avey has been spending several days In 8t Louis. Joe Oray of 8prlngOeld Is spending a few days her on business. Mrs. WIIMam Bhrelther of Coles spent the day today with her daughter Mrs. John Witt.

Jease Lilly, one ef th prominent farmers of the Allenvllle neighbor' hood, was a business visiter In Mat-toea today. Mrs. Fred Binns, who has been in Memorial Hospital for the past ten days, where she underwent aa Mrs. Albert Hoots ef Humbolt was a shopper In the city Wednesday. Mrs.

Nlcla Tolly of Coles apent the day today with Mrs. T. O. Jaaas. Dry, clean cube, $1.25 delivered, phone 653.

5-tStf Mies Mabel Logan of Of dn la visit ing this week with Mlee Let tie Gor don. Miss Helen Comer of Charleston was a Tuesday guest of friends In the or her Mr. and Mrs. W. W.

city. MeVay, today. Mrs. J. F.

Nolan wepi to Humbolt B. R. starkwether, representing The today for a short visit with her rela- Porte Publishing Company et Salt tlvea. I Lake City, Utah, arrived this aftep- H. B.

Trout has gone to Champaign noon for a short rlslt. Mrs. stark-and Farmer Cry for a few days cn wether ia visiting her parents at Alta-tuHiness. ment Miss Cleta Brown returned home I Mr. and Mrs.

T. J. Overman will de-today after a week's visit with friends part Thursday morning via automo- 1 CONVINCED OF "LEAK" IN DENTAL "EXAMS" The International Newe Service. epringneia, jane zs. stating that he la convinced there haa been a "serious leak" In making public beforehand gueatlons for dental exam-inatlone id Chicago, Director W.

H. H. MMer of the department of registration aid education today ordered a thorough probe of the charges. the leak proven to have ob- enrred official or semi-official eir- 0100," Director Miller aald, "those gnOty will at once be discharged from the state service." The examinations which ware being held la Chicago this week, together with pharmacy and embalming tests, were ordered canceled until the Inves tigation is completed. This was or dered following charges made by Lieu tenant E.

A. Fries, In charge ot the di vision of professional medicine, that the dental questions hsd been made public prior to the examinations. BOMBING PLANES ATTACK THE BATTLESHIP IOWA By The International News Service and all members of thi order will take nsrt. In soma form. In tha wet William M.

Moran who, aa dla-ttrlct la In ha prep- Htlnai torn rxoDtlnn tn Denarii Focb; took steps when tha plan of glvlnj him "'rcptlon Iri many of the of Illinois wa launched, to have Mattoon Included In the general's Ittn- Marshsi Foch (a to reach New Yoi in. October and will come to Chicago at oo ce. Tha entertainment rraofo ivr vim wm miiuuv Tim- to nearby citiH out of Chicago. 1. 1 lit lH.ln4 FLETCHER DISMISSES r' HEIIRICHS CHARGES i'Thla tto Taken Because of Aotien vVagun Against Young Man In Bhelby County ''CtM ot PouVwMtani J.

Me- Xleroy today took a receipt from Wll- Ham T. Biggs, aberlff of Shelby eoun- ty. lor ail tha plunder aoonred fol- I lowing the arrest of the parties charg- wm Ba in ana srouna arrasDuri. The C-Jef turned an ue pranaer over to the shorlf! except one aet of tlrea that la thought to belong In Gun. The Kama included In the list are two eeta table work harness, four work bridle, two aeta of double lines, cne aet alagle driving harnesa, seven auto-'mobile tlrea, four inner tubes, one VWMf Auwawuua and a aet of Ford oolla.

IMaAim VlAtnha AmmnmmmA Che complaint filed before Justice of the Peace Russell againat H. A. Hen-rlchs, charging Mm with transporting lolan property, this atep takea "for want of prosecution, on account of Hanrlcba being under prosecution In another county in the same charge." Ihls removes the legal actlrltles ot tkla matter wholly from Colea county to Shelby county. Renrleha was arrested In Shelby- -I11 aaplla in th week while there with hie attorney, William If. Moran, when bail waa furnished.

The accusa tions againat ncnrlchs. who holds a mponslble position as car Inspector with the Big Four, do not allegi tbnt Ise had any connection with stealing the various article from farms nnd gcrages in county. The charge against him Ja ftat, as accessory aft-) tr the fact he knew about the tak- Ipg of the harness and auto supplies. Frank RltUr ia atiU In Jail in Kuel-. lyvUle, while the third party under arrest, Mra.

May Vtltera ot thla city, has secured ball WIDEST POWERS TO PREPARE A BUDGET By The International News Service. Washington, June 29. The widest poadble powers have been granted to General Charles G. Dawes, in his un- dertaklng to produoe a workable bud- get la thirty daya and put the gov- eminent on a basis of "business like -affleJencv Thla was the first announcement thl afternooB, eft President Hard-! lng, members of hla cabinet and all Wasnmgton, June 29. Tne Domoing mr ot the eld battleship Iowa, by fleets, Bl1 famll' of army, navy and marine eorpe flyers.

Mr nd Mr- Panr Mi under way this morning off the lnt the fOrmer'a Virginia ooaets. according to a long-; Mr- Mrs. Sam Fuller; distance Wephona mesaage to the' Mr. and Mrs. William.

Ball and fam- ln Toledo. Miss Martha Gilbert- has gone to Decatur for a week'a visit with Mrs. Ed Hamilton. Zlg Zag Minstrels tickets on sale at Fintrock'a, Burtslhl's and Knltht'a. 6-30 Dr.

and Mrs. Tbomaa Morgan of Humbolt were business visitors in Mattoon today. Mrs. Herman Hannappel and sen Merl were guesta today of Mrs. T.

V. Konkler in Urbana. Miss Iole Hurst departed thla morning tor Weedsport, N. to upend the summer with relatives. Mrs.

J. W. Lanman la confined to ner horns by illness, having submit- ted to a tonsil operation. Miss Margaret Boyer of Charleston has returned home after a short visit wjtn frjends in Mattoon. c.

J. Zimmerman of Marlon. 0.. is here for a fow days vlait with hi patents, Mr. ah1 Mrs.

J. Zimmerman. Zlg Zag Minstrels tickets on sale at Fintrock'a, Burtschi's and Knigbt'a. 6-30 Mrs. H.

A. Cavlns and her three boy, Monroe, Herman and Prtank, went to St. Louis today for a brief visit. Mr. and Mra.

J. G. Shrock will depart Thursday morning by automobile tor a visit with relatives in Detroit, Mich. Ev S. Camrjb1r-oent the day in Charleston on betfess connected with the central Illinois Petroleum Cora- pany.

M)gg Matilda Balmer of Chicago Mm iminw nu of sntu Ana. r.i m.t nt Vr and Mm. Victor Balmer. l. 0.

Wolf returned Tuesday night from a business trip to Dvansvllle. I nav danartment at noon. "Contact was made with the Iowa at 10:45 a said a message re ceived. "All the navy, marine corps and army planes left shore stations to attaok the Iowa." I pit; VALERA'S INVITATION 1 AtrltD DV Clothx er i. 'r Boys' alii Men's it i CORNER 18tll AND BROADWAY fl 'it(Wfl1fBWw)Plwi '('If WW Wi.liiiUl-iiWWitotikiMai TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY.

MOOSE Pay on duea for next qusr- ter; after July 15th yon become delin- quent If not paid, by men. -rjt w-ia WE'RE That'e our business; we carry no aide; lines; order from your grocer for the good kind; we can furnish you the kind that the merchant doesn't want for Jelly or Jam. Chaeftleennans. Phone DISTTCClb water for batteries; new batteries for sale; old recharged; special price on Ford front hubs: top recovering for any make cars. Miller fe Miller, 1631 Charleston Ave.

Phone Aa In Uflt(vin handle them; we make all kinds from high grade parlor to wblsk ask for Berry's brooms; If your merchant doesn't handle them phone JS1. BertjO. Berry. xt- FOR" Fl vi room houiTwith barn, well and cistern; big lot In Lumpkin's addition; would sell on contract; while vacant see Mr. Hill at 620 Richmond Ave.

K- 6 30 HAY FOR'8ALE Mixed clover hay in the field on my farm, two miles east of Mattoon. Call at mv Office. 1304 Rmarfwfl- nhnn- in? for terms. Dr. F.

E. BelL 6-20 rwii bale Used piano in excelKiht ennnftlnn rin trm. K. UmA u. imti mm ui care and will give perfect satisfaction iur rvr.

xjemmn music tna- liUl 16th and Broadway. x6-28tf FOR RENT Several good office rooms and a lodge room In Buck-Mid-dlesworth Bldg. Apply to Craig Van Meter, Craig ft. Craig law office, 1803 Broadway. 17.7 FOR RENT Five room house in good1 location, with water, lights and gna.

Phone 1843 or inquire at 1313 DeWitt Ave. v. g-30 FOR RENT Four furnished roome. downsUIrs, with electric lights and gas for pooklng. Inquire at 1217 Broadway or phone 3061.

6-30 FOrt RENT During' July and! Augnat a six-room modern apartment, furnished. Phone 1916 or call at 301 N. 22d St. Mra Murphy. x7-8 FOR SALE A' cream colored 'reed gondola baby buggy in good condition.

upholstered In corduroy. Inquire at 1904 ChampalgnAve. 6-30 WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished modern house, apartment or. light housekeeping rooms by man and wife. Phone 1398.

7-3 FOR SALE An Eclipse gas' range cheap if taken at once. Call phone 1293 or call at 611 22d St. -6-80 B. Y. P.

U. entertainment at Baptist church on Friday evening at o'clock. Prlce25c; everybodyjnvlted. 6-i0 FOR SALE bungalow, 912 Marshall Ave. Mrs.

J. Reynolds. 6-30 WANTED A place for work a housekeeper or general housework. pnone 1671. 72 FOR RENT Two furnished or unfur nished light housekeeping rooms' et 1817J4.

Broadway. Phone 718. 7-1 WE 'REPAIR electric Iron's." (Jorlev Electric Co. 106 S. 17th St, Phone -8-30tf FORSalE FordTourlng car, almost at your price.

Phone759. 6-30 WE CLEAN Kt Comforts, Blankets, Orsnerlea, Couch Covera, Portieraa. -5 LACE CURTAIN8 A SPECIALTY ERMI8CH Dyeing A Cleaning C. 0ff)ce phone 151; Rea phone 893 CHICAGOMARKETS Chicago, June 29, WHEAT i.ow July ..118 123 ill Sept. fTH CORN July Sept.

58 6294' 7i4 61 36 '4 88 OATS--1" i July tm 364 35 Sept. 874 38 88 LIVE STOCK MARKET HOOS Receipts, alow' and 10c to 16c higher; Butchers 38.60 to 38.90. CATTI-E Recelpta, stead. SHEEP Receipts, fateady; Lambs, J5 to- 1 PRODUCE MARKETS 1 KOCS Ordinaries, 22c to 23c; first, 25Hc to 26c. LIVE POULTRY Fowls, 23c; ducks 26c; geese 15c to 20c; springs 35c to turkeys 30c; roosters lgo, Ltvy? stock: HOGS Receipts, market strong and 6e higher; top hogs, 19; heavies, 18.80; lights.

pigs, $8.50 to S9; hulk of sales, 8.85 to 9. CATTLE Receipts, 1600; market 25c to 60c lower; choiee heaviea, 7 to HghU, (6 to 17; heifers. 14 to 37.60; xowa. $2 to bulls, $8.75 to $4 to $8.50. SHEEP Receipts, 300; market ateafly: prime heep, $1.60 to lamba, $4 to $8) 1 1 twai 1 l-i rri 1 puuiyiug was ters, Mra.

Henry Robr and family; Miaa Harnett Bledsoe and Mlea Clotilda Kldwell. CAMP riRI QIRL MItT On Monday evening at her homo, 620 North Nineteenth street, Mies Millie Moore waa hostess te the members of the Camp Fire Girls' Society. There waa a business meeting, after which Instructions wtre given In Orst to the Injured, this being pait of the atudy to be takea up by the society. Plana ere also made for tho annual picnic to be beld at 'The Rocks," east of Chailestoa, from July 13 to II. Misses Flerenso Doepel, Lonlae Rider.

Mary Martha Doepel, Josephine Lynch, Hfcsel Montgomery, Helen Kldwell, HxijI Walker. Gertrude Roberta, Oertrude Ohm and Brtn Mo-Vay were present. tarn INGLEFAIL On Tueeday afternoon in Terre Haute Clyde Bugle of tbla city and Miss Elsie Fall of Terre Haute wero united In marriage, Rev. Roy B. Deer, pastor of the First Baptist Church, officiating.

The ceremony was performed at the home of tha bride's aunt, Mra. J. W. Stout, 1IJ7 South Fourth street, hi the presence of a number ef relatives and friends. The i-ioms ef the house were effectively decorated with garden flowers and ferns.

Preceding the ceremony Miss Mary Hollls of Terre Haute sang, Prom-ire Me," accompanied by Miaa Oretch-en McFariand, wLo played luring the ceremony also. An Informal reception followed the wedding, during which time refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Bngle left a short weddltg trip, and will be at.

home to their friends after July 1 at 1504 Richmond avenue, Mr. Engle 13 i well-known Big Four engineer, wltu Mattoon headquarters. He has been an employe of the road for the past fourteen years. His bride was graduated from the Wley High School of Terre Haute and ot the Indiana State Normal school. She Is a member of the Pal Theta Sorority.

For several years she has been employed as a teacher In the Terre Haute public schools. OTXft MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER Mr. and Mrs. Albert Daily on Thursday evening entertained for their daughter, Mrs. James Kane, formerly Miss BJthel Dally, a recent bride.

It was a miscellaneous shower, Mrs. Kane receiving a number of pretty' gifts. The neighbors and friends were present for the evening, which was spent with music and visiting, after which Mrs. Dally served refreshments of Ice cream and cake. The guests were Mr.

and Mrs. Albert Dally and children. Mr. and Mra. James Kane, Mr.

and Mrs. Oils Wiegle and children. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ingle and children, Mr.

and Mrs. William Mead, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Michaels and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.

Walter Nolle and son. Mr. and Mrs. Qua Myers and children, Mrs. M.

A. Ryan, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Williams and baby, Mrs. Fred Sharp, Mr.

and Mrs. Fred Drake and baby, Mr. and Mrs. George Arthur and children, Mr. and Mrs.

Aaron Arthur, Mr. and Mrs Frank Miller. Mr. and Mrs. George Arthur Jr.

and son. Mrs. William Webb and children. Mr. and Mrs.

An drew Hoan. Mrs. Ella Honn, Mr. and Mrs. Lafe Daily and son, Mr.

and Mrs-John Dally Rnd son, Mr. and Mrs Harold Daily, Mr. and Mrs. George Seaman and baby. Misses Frances Bierman, Lottie Akins.

Mary Kane-Cecil Daily. Honnle Sharp, Mabel Kune. Mabel Matherly, Mary Shea. Florence Kane, Mildred Sharp and Florence Myers; Messrs. Claud Daily.

Leslie Cuy, Paul Miller, Raymond Hashbnrger. James Ryan, Paul Dally, Frank Miller John Ryan, Cleo Dally. Gerald Ryan. Albert Dally Charles Strong, Orville Seaman. Raymond Arthur.

Joe Daily, James Eastin, Ernest Freeman. John Shea, Lonzo Daily and Jack Taylor. BORAH AMENDMENT NOT OBJECTIONABLE By Thfl Internationa! News flervir Washington, Jupe 29. The Borah disarmament amendment Is not objectionable to President Harding. "It is not of particular concern to the administration what form the expression of conKress shall take, though it is most agreeably that congress shall express itself In favor of securing, If possible, an International agreement upon a program for the limitation of armaments," the president stated In a letter received today by House Republican Leader Mondell.

HOUSE BALKS AT PART OF NAVAL APPROPRIATION Washington, jn. 28. Appropriation of, $590,000 for improvements at the Puget" Sound navy yard, voted in to the navy bill by the senate, was rejected today by the house with an Overwhelming rote. The bouse conferees on the navy bill were Instructed to continue in their refusal to agree with the senate cn this appropriation. URBAN PARK DANCE.

Thursday night June 30. Special arrangements have 'beep made tor a big dance. Excellent 4 pbco c-rches- tra. The International Newa Service. Dublin, June 29 Four unionist In Ireland accepted Bamonn era's invitation to attend a confer FORDIIEY TARIFF BLL HAS BEEN COMPLETED The International News tervtea-T' wasningion, June Fortney tariff bill was oompleted today.

It was released by the houae ways and mesas oommitte, for publication tomorrow morning. Tha lumber schedule has heed rewritten. There will be retained duty of, fifty cents a thousand on shlnglss, and the president is given authority to impose duties on logs and dressed lumber, when tongnad and grooved, equal to export dutlea aWerled by any oountry. UPERFLUOUB WOMKNi WHY THtVRI NECESSARY IN PRESENT CIVILIZATION Ida Clyde Clark, in pictorial Ra view: Perhaps no English woman of aclentlflo atUlnmsnts baa been mora talked of all over the world than has Dr. Marie Carmichael Stopes.

I felt anre her viewe would ho interesting. She haa several times been called upon to testify before the birth rate commission. In fact, she has been, from the beginning, a member of the commission, and la an authority on biological questions. "The statistician la fond of picturing an Ideal country as one containing an equal number of men and women, all the marriageable women married and bearing children with no nurses, no governesses, no school teachers, no snd no housemaids. How long wonld civilisation as we know It last If every woman ware married and bearing children Without domestic help? The so-called superfluous woman," continued Dr.

Stopes, "Is vital and ee-aentlal to the state, if the state pretends to a civilisation of the type we are at present cursed with. In countries where children run happily about unclothed In the sunshine, a numerical equality of men and wom en with all of them married may exist successfully. In a state such as ours assistance from healthy wom en ot experience and of sufficiently mature age la essentyal to every mother. That la to say, It la a blessing to this country that we have a greater number at women than we have men." "But wouldn't every woman really Ilka to be married I asked. lea," she said, "wero nil men fine and splendid creatures.

But as things are, with ao many men In all classes physically unsound, the only type superfluous woman which we can racially deplore la the fine, healthy woman does not find a man good enough for her. 'Then, nature seems to have created a number ot women of a temperament who really do not desire marriage, and, as, I have Just shown, this Is fortunate for civilization. On the other hand, the normal woman who, desiring marriage, doea not marry, and ia hence claseed among the 'superfluous le too often In that category because of the Inferiority' of the men around her. The 'superfluous woman' la too often made 'superfluous' by the superfluous man, and, racially, all diseased and Inferior men are superfluous." England's problem of the aurplus women ia still unsolved. It may be.

a Dr. Stopes aays, that the world needs a certain number of "aurplus women" to nurse and teach and do our housework. It may be that the doctrine of "the right to Is going to gln ground more rapidly, as' Miss March suggests although that seems most unlikely. But It la certain that In every country many noble women, are living happy, uae-ful Uvea, and "by the way of trans muted motherhood" are finding outlet tor tneir neepest emotions ana me play of their most womanly sympa thies by doing "mother-work? tin social centera and jfow the world doea need mothering! CLOSING NOTICE The Mattoon business houses will observe the usual closing of their places of business all day Monday, July 4th. 7-3 Blamed 41 nit Sold Zaehlul Pasha Egyptian nationalist lender.

Eng. land to discuss the future el Egypt, 4s given as a' euuse. for the recent How ht Alexandria. Zaantul Paha "has led the forces tn tator at Eyp ttsa in4apeaasnoa ence here on Monday, prior to De-1 Miss Helen Rothrock of Chicago, Vaieta's flnl acceptance or rejection daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

M. B. Roth-Pfmler Lloyd George's Invitation to rock, formerly of Mattoon, was grid-attend an Irish peace parley in Lon- ualed from the Chicago Hyde Park don, it was stated this afternoon. De-, High School several days ago and I Paradise 9 Edith Matthewa ia on the sick Hat. Ed and Alva Myers were In Mattoon Saturday.

Rev. Illk filled hla regular appointment at Zton Hill Sunday. Mr. and Mr. H.

H. Hendrlx were shopping In Mattoon Batarday. Mr. and Mra. J.

W. Walden were shopping in Mattoon Saturday. Misses Ruth and May Matthewa were shopping In Mattoon Saturday. The new house of H. C.

Hart is complete and ready tor the family to move Into. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Mettox and daughter Juanita visited In Gays on Tuesday. Misses Zella and Edna Prather spent Monday with their aunt, Mra.

John Dougherty. Mr. and Mra. Ted Bird of Trllla vis-Ited har parents, Mr. and Mra.

J. A. Matthewa, Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Carl Burton and daugh ters, Lole and Florence, were Mattoon visitors Thursday.

Mm fllh IIwmI anif anna nf Vftttnnn m. I "7 01 oiewar-eon spsni weonesoay with Mr. and Mra. J. A.

Matthews. Mrs. Gertie Fuller and children and Mrs. Leors Matthews and children i Pent Bund7 "moon with Mra. Ella The Ice cream social given by the Ladles' Aid 8oclety of Zlon Hill at the largely attended.

HONORS FOR FORMER MATTOON YOUNG WOMAN with one other member of the class received the highest average tor the four years' course. There were 330 in the class. Aa a reault of having the highest averagos, these twj mom-hers were awarded Sigma Epsilon pins. Miss Rothrock expects to enter the University of Illinois In the tall and take a course in Journalism. MISS SPAULDING GIVES RECITAL IN ANDERSON Miss Marguerite Spauldlng of Anderson, who, was graduated from the Schuster Martin School of Expression in Cincinnati the first of June, gave a recital at her home on Monday evening, t0 which a number of Mattoon people received Invitations.

Miss Spauldlng la a grand daughter of Mr. and Sawin and has visited here often. Miss Spauldtng's program consisted of dramatic readings, tn which talent she Is proficient and Is gaining much favorable comment In her home town. M'CLELLAND BURIAL TO BE AT CAMP GROUND The body of R. W.

McClelland, which Is to be brought from St. Louia to Mattoon for. burial, is to reach this city Thursday morning at 11:30. Representatives of the Odd Felluvs lodge here, of which he was a member, will be in attendance at the Big Four station and escort the body to the Peers chapel. The Odd Fellows will have charge of the burial services, which will be held it the Camp Ground cemet.iry, southwojt of town, Thursday afternoon.

Further arrangementa will be completed after the arrival ot the body: WJLLi PITCH FOR SHELBYVILLE Cal Crura went to Shelbyvllle today to pitch for the baseball team In Its game with the Union Giants of Chicago. On Thursday the Mattoon baseball team will go to Villa Grove to play. ATTENTION CREAM PRODUCERS. We will pay 28c for butter fat, ef fective June 29th. We solicit your patronage.

Bring ua your cream and receive hlgbeat price. mailed same day cream ii received and can returned promptly. 1 -3 MATTOON CREAMERY. the bureau chiefs in Washington had while in that city, he was taken Company, these engines are being pro-wet todether to Uke the preliminary quite ill. duced.

The power is gained from I operation, was removed to the home bll tor a visit In Villa Orove, Litchfield, Indianapolis and Detroit, Mtoh. They will be gone about two weeks and will return by way of Chicago. Miss Grace Salmon arrive irom Valparaiso, this afternoon lor a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mo Cormlck and alao her littla niece Miss Marybelle McCormlck of Chicago, a guest at the McCormlck home.

Mrs. D. C. Gannaway and daughters, Mlsees Edna, Ethel and Elsie, arrived home Tuesday evening from an automobile trip to Turkey Run and The Shades, In Indiana. They were accompanied by Mrs.

Gannaway's little grandson, Billy Gannawny, of Charleston. J. R. Pedlgo and hla son-ln law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.

William Conk-Iin, have returned from Horse Cave, where they went to see Mr, Ped-Igo's mother, Mrs. G. F. Pedlgo, who has been quite Hi. On their way home they passed Monday in Louisville.

Frank X. Spits, accompanied by his daughter, Miss Helen, will leave on Thursday for a month's trip In California. They will stop enroute at Denver, Salt Lake City, Portland and San Francisco, after which they will go to Los Angeles for a visit with their daughter and sister, Mrs. Henry Woolard. On the return trip they will take another route, probably coming by way of Canada.

KILMAN INVENTS NEW ENGINE FOR TRACTOR George Kilman. a son-in-law of Mr. and MrB w- Terr'. now eP'o't lng a new kind of engine for a tractor, jwhlch 18 "'o 0WB indention. I'nder the name ef the Alena Steam Product Is new Is application to motor ve hicles.

Trucks of to 3Vfc horsepower are being worked on now, and Ti been the rm One of the features of the new invention Is the reduction in cost that expenses, mod1 be'n ttt ethlng like twenty per cent the cost of a standard gasoline en Blnlre1for uck of that size Kilman formerly lived in this city. but now makes his home In Indian man of the Benate finance following Mellor's appearance before the committee tn urge that congress give the administration blaniint authority to handle the foreign loans. CLOSING NOTICE 1: DR. E. E.







FREEMAN. T-26 Miss Marybelle McCor.ulrk of luo steps In what la designed t- be a. great effort at tax reduction. FURTHER EFFORT TO STOP 6 FIGHT By The International News Service. Jersey City, N.

June cutor Garvin of Jersey City will on cago arrived this afternoon for a visit with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McCormlck. Ewight Elliott, who attends in Chicago, arrived odey to speni thu summer with his parents, M. and Mrs.

Lee Elliott. nH rf.ei,ter and Mis. Letha Brooks of Chicago today for a visit with Mrs. F. Mock and Mr, Barn Mr and Mrs.

pitler and daugh-, i M- nrtA rr. uar. 1 Friday afternoon lay btSfore the Hud-jw on County grand Jury that the nrtaeiDlsa and nrorooters of the the principles and promoters of thd DemHey-Carpentler fight are SuilfyTej; Wright we're In Effingham Sunday of a conspiracy to violate the New jt0 atten(, reunlon of the gpitler fam- DISASTROUS FOR U. S. TO Mrs.

William Gllduff returns home IN8gT QN QEBT PAYMENT on Tuesday night from a several days' visit with, her daughter, Mrs, B. K. By The International New Strvire Qutnn, and her son, Charles Gllduff, Washington, June 29. The admin- in Chicago. jistration is convinced that It proba- Miss Alsuma Turner, bookkeeper at bly wonld be "flnancially and eobndm-the Rati tt.

Son store, returned to her ically disastrous'' for the United duties today after, a two weeks' States If it were to Insist upon im-vlslt with Mr. and Mrs. H. Leathers Mediate payment of even part the In Chicago. $11,000,000,000 debt long overdue this Mrs) Harry Perryman and little country, from Its associates tho daughter of Paris, who have been vorld war.

Thli was dlscioHOi today vjpiting In Chicago, were Riiests of after a confrtence between Secretary friends In this city, today while en- Mellon and Senator Penrose, chatr- ValMa has received a telegram from Mr James Craig. Fleet Commander A new photo of Admiral Hilary P. Jones, new commander of the Atlantic fleet, taken on the deck ot the flag-ahlp Pennsylvania. tffrTTfA" fMlkf I k. J5K I i ni route to their home.

Mrs. Cleo Orndorff of Chicago, who was visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H.

Delong, has! gone to Peoria to spend the week, after which she will return to Chicago. Mrs. D. P. Lynch of Terre Haute is here visiting with Mrs.

T. M. Lynch i r.H Mtia Man- Lvnch. Mr. Lvtieh Jersey boxlnj law and the New Jer aey crimes act, it was announce! this afternoon.

This will be the final effort of 'the Inttrusttonal Reform Bureau to prevent the contest. CUT YOUR WEEDS There ia an ordinance agalnnt al-! lowing weeda growing and becoming In alleys and on lots, and a penalty ia attached for violation of same, so take warning and abate this nuisance, it tin cans, and other rubbish. Screen your wlndowa and doors, swat the fly, It you want to keep the doctor away. a E. B.

RICHARDSON, 1 Health OfTrcer. Hair seals, which abound on the western Canadian coast and hare no commercial value, are one of the greatest menaces to salmon SHOULD HAVE NOT1RE0 HIM Peavsd Consumer; tat'a the Mas ef my oae bill befng Just aa btcj aa ever for last month? I was away for aeasly three weeks. "-'i Cas Meat Cse lady I I dldrrt know that you was away. Wov jlldntcha iafiiaf v'- will arri.v Saturday for a visit er: Tn offices pf the following Mat-tbe Foart of Jily I toon closed on each Mr. and Mrs! C.

W. Brady, daughter Thursday afternoon until September Helen and son Louis. Miss Cora Col- lli'gKwerth. Herbe Ppauldini; Floyd' wwn and John Collingsworth spent Sunday SL.Lottii. J.

and ton Ix cn havCValurned from visit with rola-tlve 1n St. Xoula. were accompanied by Miss Sara Pint for a visit at the Sternberg home. Mra, L- McMichaels and daughter Ruth aid Mrs. Joe Martin and daughter Ruby have W't'irued from Ir.dia-Fapolla, where.

ihoy v. sited Mra. Mr; Michaels' broti'ar apd otbo; ilvea, -1 1 i 1'-'.

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