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Journal Gazette from Mattoon, Illinois • Page 7

Journal Gazette from Mattoon, Illinois • Page 7

Journal Gazettei
Mattoon, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i i MONDAY, NOVEMBER MO srs JU Una, innrtabf 11 advance Zedltf iaktn for than fougot rttuti (uOatiiirininii wonder how we can do Vlss still going on tKeTcvcnt of the yjcjjr in local merchandise circles. thei Itsell good seasonafeleerchandise at' less than they can put it in their shelves lers seasonablevmerchandise at less than thev can Dut it in their shelves for. secret is wr had the cash to, buy a large stock time when every wholesaler is throwing his goods upon the market at any "price FOR; CASH. We mention below a few of the many treats: FOR SALE FARMS FOR SALS, FOR SALE oil oval top glass floor OR SALE A tea acre truck farm os the edge of city; good lm- Show ess. Address WUllam Mo-ran, 11-20 I $3,100.

flttpatrlck Brpe, 1S03 Broadway. lMstf FOR GALE Square piano; very cheap if taken at one. Apply at FOR SALE 40 acr, good toll, four miles from Mtttoon: a good two 2413 Western avenue. i 11-31 lory saren room house; flnebsra WATER COLOR PAINTINGS OB salt and outbuildings; beautiful bome. I Prlc; Itto per acre.

D. W. Ew st Htrron Bros. book store. Miss B.

Hashbarger. JM0 Inx lilt! jL See tha biftntiful Soiti in jQ Yoa can buy that new JT JrJ ourjow. You can Table Linen cr new Nap. 6oc 75C For tboae Eagledown bay 7' Foi good jhtwy, kini at- A good twilled Calico- Underwear, ladiei. ehil- Outing Flannels, the best Per Cent m.

i-gf'l; 0Of Off Our regular 7c wbolesa.e DisC0nt pftt TsJt'Z auction. the regular marked price 45C 25 ff 25C '5. 20 39c Everythingto For .0 yd. best grade 0a of 0ur Milli' 0 Weflr for print with FJln0 Disccton all of our fall For skirt length, of dress WeUr 10F or more of other mer- I A (f of hose rT oer of foods worh to per WnmPTllrinr) cbandlev A sale price pc do-J'" per "nt oHt yd. An unheard of bargain WOmenKina 1 111 1 -a FOR SALE 100 seres-seven mllei FOR SALE Cheap, two good Mitchell South of Charleston, half in.

cult! small bouse and barn; dark wagons, one set bar nasi, one apod all around family or-work horse. Address A. B. care Journal-Gt-sette. 11-19 grey soli; price eu per acre; mon gsge will trade for house Mid lot D.

W. Ewlng. 1H FOR SALE Florence heater; nearly FARMS FOR SALE Largs list of as good as new. Inquire at 1500 Richmond avenue. 11-31 southeastern Missouri farms; la dredf ditch district at Blkestou, Mo Rcott county; price IIS to 181 RUMMAGE SALE By Episcopal car acre, irons uasier, ataiioon No.

1703 BROADWAY Geo. N. Buck Go. 111. 1U F.

B. SMITH guild Nov. 21, 31 and 23 at Moran' drug store, 1904 Western avenue; exchange In connection. 11-20 FOR SALE 240 acres black and red Clay land on Pretty Pralrlo, Cham- FOR SALE Very cheap; second hand Star drilling machine; full palgn county. Ohio; good pikes.

bank barn 60x80, large frame FOR RENT. set tools; good condition; will drill 600 feet; suitable for oil or water DaanannaaDaaaaaaaaaaDDaDB i house; other good cora farms for sale. Write to Clinton D. Gard. farm specialist, Tremont -lty.

'Ohio, HW well. Address H. K. Wilson, 953 West 12th Chicago, III. 11-20 FOR RENT Three partly furnished rooms for housekeeping.

Inquire a 2031 Lafayette avenue. 12-13 a FOR SALE OR TRADE. FOR RENT Five room house, closet, IKE6TON 0I8TRICT We neve for sale la the rich Slkoston "drainage well and cistern; 904 Prairie ave district" 100.000 acres of timber nue. Inquire at 1203 Richmond FOR SALE OR TRADE Smajl stock of hardware. Address M.

M-, care Journal Gasette. 11-20 Ave. Mary A. Tate. 11-18 and cutover lands and 50,000 acres Improved lands for sals in "the gar den These lands are an LOST.

HELP WANTED. very rich black loam soils; for unu. rices, mapa and booklets LOST Monday afternoon ea Broad WANTED Good competent girl for way, a gold necklace. Under will general house work at 1317 Char write us at once; we will our literature. C.

M. Smith A 8lkeaton. Scott county. Mis-eourL 1118 please return to Journal-Gasetta of leston avenue. 11-19 fice and receive reward.

11-11 KEEP ON YOUR GUARD WANTED Experienced girl for gen YOUR THANKSGIVING TURKEY STRAYED OR STOLEN Pointer eral House wort; good wages; so pup, 3 months old, liver and white Don't neglect that bad cold or COUGH washing. Mrs. Cleaves Bennett FOR SALE A l0er well Improved farm, half mile of good railroad 1 town with graded school and churches: eight miles of this city; will be cooked brown as a berry-Juicy, tender and luscious when you 2901 Western Ave. 11 ticked: wfll answer to Hal; head and ears mostly liver. Reward for a have your oven heated by a high Very serious results are brought PRdGRESjSI good l-room house, good barn, oth- WANTED A young man and young returning to 2004 Western avenue, harness store.

M. B. Raffety. 11-11 grade coal euoh as we furnish. For I er buildings; plenty or gooa wmr, lady ejerk at Hattoom's confection holiday comfort, or when baking your aoout by not checking the cough in the beginning Our Syrup White i fruit: mall route and telephone una ry; good wages paid.

Apply at i Progress has ever of Shoes, aen our aim in tne sarec MISCELLANEOUS. 6oll rich and level, but drains. A bargain, 160 acre, tanas. Hill tt II. I I 1 We feel that in th Shoes we are giviajd a cakes and good things, provide yourself with good clean coal from our Farmers' $ijlling and Pine with Tar bar customers nio COBS AND COW CHAFF free at the 1 HfH.Ut Verfoa.m- WANTED Men everywhere; good combined comfort! re sytle and quarTity a a a a Magnet elevator.

11-13 than we have eve; pay; pass circulars, tack signs; 1 done before. before. Is the most reliable cough and mp acre olantatlon In Grain Goippany no canvassing; permanent. Contl-r-'ntal Distributing Service, yCb Bolivar county. 340 acres In REMOVED Mrs.

F. Saathoff has Th Hil-iLidVHlioeB sell for shoes sell ior cold remedy on the market 25c--BottIe-50c W. M. Laughlln, Mgr. Phone 184 removed her dressmaking parlors hi.

n-39 a a a $3 to room 22, Avey building; phon 458R. 11-21 4.0Oond$5 p.spf cultivation; twenty tensnt nouses with brick chimneys: all neceissiT outbuildings, well, fencing; choice Delta soil, some good timber; will rent for $7 per acre; price only $47 finfrock's Drug Store WANTED Ladles to copy letters at home; epare time; good pay; cash a a And oar many customers are the evidence we have weekly; rellsble; send stamps DISSOLVED PARTNERSHIP The of their value. 'Tin our pleasure to show them and we in- Zeck MorrUtown, N. T. 11 16 per acre; one-nnn casn, dii; a oavmenU: 400 acre your inspection a firm of Keith A Moss has dissolved partnership and the business formerly conducted by them will be done by Mr.

Keith st the old stand, Sold exclusively by plantation. 114,000, one-tenth down balance 9 years. McMath A John tnn 71 Madison r- nue, Memphis WANTED Deck hands, rem en, cooks, craaemea and teamsters for dredge host Apply to R. H. Mo OWINGS DRUG CO.

SucceMon to Owlon A Morton. Under Dole Uouae. Agents (or tbe follow Williams, Demaree building. Ml'. where he will be pleased to have all old customers call and see him.

Ed Keith. 11-20 C. A. WOO LEW toon. 111.

3-ltfl a a a CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. ing Preparations: 2 Successor to Geo. N. Buck Shoe Dept. WANTED Hustling men wanted-dls- -i i.

-J Parties gssiring dyeing done will war hale No. 30: A seven room Rexait please get their orders In at oncn as thla Is our busiest season. For No. 1705 Broadway Mattoon, Illinois naoDDonnaaaa0 canvassing or peddling. Globe Adv.l A D.

Asso, room Chicago, 11-301 house on Marshall avenue; bath well and cistern: $1,250. Fltspat Information oonsult our agent, Mrs. nrir 1803 Broadway. -81tf 8. R.

Evans, phone 293. Leave or MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. ders at 1618 Broadway, Wright sis Foley's Miles hoop's LET US GIVE YOU A TIP. FOR SALE No. 78; a nice seven I)IIS)1 Is) I 1 e) 0-l e) I I mom house on east Wabash ave ters" old stssd, oa Express prepaid both ways.

J. F. Edgarl WANTED Washings at 1404 avenue. If it's a new suit or overcoat that nue: well, cistern, gas; 8J.0OO. Flts- Bralech Dyeing sad Clean lag Co-, you have In mind don't fall to see the catrlck 1803 Bdwy.

10-14tt Terra Haute. Ind. l0-4tf new fall and winter shades and WANTED Four news boys for nit-1 FOR 8 ALE No. 80; a beautiful home weaves that we have placed on view. A select showing of browns snd grays, sols Central Apply 1308 1 NEW CORN MEAL Ask your Grocer for our Meal.

It is made from selected new corn and is ground fresh daiiy. on Western avenue; Urge barn; Broadway. Van Noy News the season's faehlonsble colorings. five aores; very reasonable. Fits-natrlck 1803 Bdwy.

10-1 4 tf "TBY IT AND SEE" la the last lfmoaths I have extract pany. 10-lOtf Expert cutting and custom tailoring Cleaning and repairing neatly and WANTED Men to lean barber trad FOR SALE A tour room house a promptly done. led more teeth than all Mattooa dentists combined. Why? Shelby avenue; permanent walk few weeks completes, to chairs con stantly busy, licensed Ini tractors, Four Elevator and Pinkham's Hyomci and Fenners Remedies OWINGS DRUG CO. welt, good outbuildings; MOO.

Fits-oatrtek 1808 Bdwy. 1Q-14U liat a SptiaHf tf Paiihsa tools given, dlpesmss gran ted. wages Saturdays, peel Lion siting, wonderful demand for gradaates, write Milling Company titnctng T. N. LANGE MERCHANT TAILOR.

Over Rltter' Drug Store, 1(00 Broadway. rOR SALE No. a bvs room for catalogue. Moler Barber Col Phone 242 Big Four R. R.

16th St, lege, Chicago, ID. 11-30 house on North 80th; good barn fruit, well, walks; fl.164. Fitspat-rick 1808 Broadway. 10-14U maaufacturtng my own extracting fluids, conssqusatly know the eon-teats are always the sain and ah- t'f 1TIS)IS s)t FOR RENT, lutely pure- No swsning. shraghmg, or bad after-effects sad gsmrantsed caDDaaanDDDDCDQaaaaaaaaaaiiDD FOR RENT Furnished rooms to to be free from cocaine er ether pot-so nous substaaees.

FOR SALE No. 73; a Ave room cot tag, permanent walk; good outbuildings; good repair; Marlon avenue: $1080. riUpatrick Bros. 1303 Broadwsy. 10-14tt gentlemea; steam heated, hot and oold water; bath.

1400 Edgar avenue. 1118 A free trial to any oae whs wishes teeth extracted. Fop Wimtfep9 My double suctlos plates are prov ilraVle Desirable FOR SALE No. good six room FOR RENT stable end ling a God-sead to peooie troubled csrrlag roons, ens block from emr with Loos er Falling Ilates. NOT cottage on East Champaign, avenue pavement, hot and cold wa- ter of business district; most 1 ONB FAILtTBJB In I TVARST TIME.

ter: only three years old; ajw slrable la erery respect: reasons-1 We do tot cbarge ye a deposit and FlUnatiicK Bros, 1803 Broad- Wear Pie rent, inquire A. B. ear of tkea force you to loss yenr payment war. 10-14U Journsl-Oaiette. 11-10 1 sccept tba teetb bat make roar plate witb tbe distinct understanding FOR SALE A six room house, bars.

ROOMS FOR, RENT Furnished I tbat MtrST gre absolute satlafao- fruit, well and outbuildings; in for llaht eninssttalsg I41 ot 11 d0M eoat aas pemay. nod location on Drwitt avenue bed rooms: modern oonrenleacea. uu 24th street; price $t00; Mrs. A. L.

Hills, I0 Cbarrsston CstftfratfSs1 forAttf thing Mortf terrain. IX W- Ewrat. 108 South rense. 2Tth street 10-lTtf All work gusxaatee tea years. ROOMS FOR RENTTwo nicely farlFrkes reasonable sad ALWATS TH FOR SALE No.

75; a 13 room house alsaed rooms for aleeplna rooms I a1 rith an ssedern eoavenieaces; two or Ugbt hottsekentng: gas sad blocks of business district for $3. Paoaa M7: K0O Praliie DR. BOURN I S0A riUDS trick Bre. 1803 Broad- I'll srenue. u-M way.

10-14U Pain lees DjMt SHOR FOR NT Suitable ft pajit FOR SALE Desirable resldeace A person naturally at this time of year thinks of heavy articles of wear such a OVERCOATS, SUITS AND UNDERWEAR and where tbe best place is to buy them. Then there are four questions to be considered what store has the largest stock of goods and mo3t varied. Where do the salesmen take care of me by showing me the correct styles. i here do they give me the fit What store stands back of its merchandise and guar an tecs everything It sells to be tbe best money caa buy st the price. We can safely say and everyone will agree witb us that KATZ fills all the above requirements.

Those that have traded here know it and those that have not should try ni and 1 kt ail will gay the best and most reliable CLOTHING, STORE is to be found at 170s Broadway sMF, spaoistsnag SAosx arpemtsr v- properiles. all stodera Imprevwd, Fn en ISA, TSU sVesdws) maawactory staraga pnr I wnth all coovasJasces. Address A poses: two story, oeatrany located: 'tt. car Jouraal-Geseua. 11-18 a win rent an or a part of rt Ad- DR POWELIi dree A- B.

ear Jsunuiot- FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. a a a a 171 FOR SALE On aurrey, one single Easy Dentist FOR RENT AH, peraaaant rest eet of harness sad one cutter. Call at 80S Chaflestog svw- property at SI par moot. No, nil Fine sreaue. St rooms: K.

1211 FralrtesTosue. gr rooms: N. HW au. 11-30 Sblby Sts room sal FOR SALE Round Oak Re. It heat ing stove; two weeks Call 1008 Larayette Ave, 11-1 ban: No.

slid Marios) ave, 1 Mg fa raomf; take yr chelee; some IS aad four boose en wast sld. W. W. Me-Vay. agent.

11 19 1 ia Ctorni I fc ARE TttTM WITHOUT FLATS I a a a a a FOR SALE Four Shetland ponlesJ TV. Hm Kappa-Wei til tea and 48 laches high; FINE OOLO FILLINGS. FAINLESS EXTRACTINO. .1 Far good rasslts tit Os Jtsngl aeecripuoa jduj pnm cb request. Address Clark, 3414 ij AvsyBW.

mant! Ootsmas. unnnngnnnennnanenqn cnannnannonnnnnnnnnnnnnnannnnn v..

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